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Temperature -vs- CO2: Last 800,000 Years

Years Before Present (2000 AD)

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Carbon Dioxide Graph:

Lüthi et al. 2008; 800k years CO2 Data

1) Dome C, Antarctica (0-22 kyr BP)
Monnin et al. (2001)
measured at University of Bern

2) Vostok, Antarctica (0-440 kyr BP)
Petit et al. (1999)
Pepin et al. (2001)
Raynaud et al. (2005)

LGGE in Grenoble

3) Taylor Dome, Antarctica (19-63 kyr BP)
Indermühle et al. (2000)
University of Bern

4) Dome C, Antarctica (393-664 kyr BP)
Siegenthaler et al. (2005)
University of Bern
LGGE in Grenoble

5) Dome C, Antarctica (611-800 kyr BP)
Lüthi et al. (sub)
University of Bern
LGGE in Grenoble

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Temperature Graph:

Jouzel et al. 2007; 800k years Deuterium Data and Temperature Reconstruction
EPICA Dome C bag deuterium data (LSCE, analytical accuracy of 0.5 per mille)
Temperature estimated after correction for sea-water isotopic composition (Bintanja et al, 2005) and for ice sheet elevation (Parrenin et al, 2007) on EDC3 age scale (Parrenin et al, 2007)

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