Lepidodendron Obavatum

The base of the mature Lepidodendron tree had a rough, corrugated or ropey texture with furrows trending approximately parallel to the vertical axis of the tree. Further up the trunk, the pattern changed to an arrangement of diagonally aligned diamond-shaped leaf cushions. Lepidodendron obavatum and Lepidodendron aculeatum are among these pattern types. This specimen illustrates the ropey basal pattern in transition to Lepidodendron obavatum pattern.


Rock Type: Sandy shale
Formation: Kanawha
Interval: Peerless seam
Age: Middle Pennsylvanian Period, approx. 312 million years.


Location: Nicholas County, West Virginia; G&W Surface Mine, located about 1/2 mile NE of Summersville, West Virginia.